We live in very busy times. Husband and wives sometimes have to make appointments in order to see each other. Here on the Crystal Coast things are different, but we still have our challenges. Recently I have been too busy to fish as much as I would like. I knew it was time to focus on the important things and get some balance back in my life. Too much work and not enough fishing can lead to serious problems. After a particularly hard day of working outside and taking care of real estate clients, I came upon the idea of "The Six Shrimp Road to Enlightenment."
First I headed to Clyde Phillips Seafood between the bridges on Highway 24 in Swansboro. I bought one and one half pounds of shrimp and had it packed in ice for the trip home. When I got home to Blueweater Cove, I carefully divided the shrimp into plastic sandwich bags containing six or eight shrimp. I then placed the bags in our freezer.Next I explained to my normally very supportive wife that I needed more beach time and more surf fishing time. I asked for patience while I embarked on "The Six Shrimp Road to Enlightenment." All my wife said was "Can I take a beach chair so I be comfortable while watching you reach enlightenment."
The next night after I had mowed the yard and finished the trimming, we headed off to the beach with my surf rod, surf tackle bucket, rod sand spike, and one of the sandwich bags of shrimp.
The shrimp was almost thawed by the time we reached Third Street beach. As soon as we were in the parking lot I bolted to the beach and finished rigging my rod. Then I carefully took one shrimp out, cut it in half and baited the hooks. Finally I waded into the surf up past my knees and cast my bait into the foamy waters.
I did remember to check to see what my wife was doing. She had headed down the beach for a walk. Her chair was directly behind me on the beach. I fished for several minutes without getting a bite and then finally I caught a spot. I was down to my last shrimp when I caught the spot. I quickly returned it to the surf. My trip had been a success.
When we went back to repeat the experience, luck was not with me. After much effort, I assumed that the fish were not biting. It was something that I just had to accept since I was out of shrimp. We headed on back home. Though it was after 9 PM, I walked across the cul de sac to the neighborhood pool.
The water was warm, the breeze only a touch cooler. As I floated on my back in the pool and watched the palm trees blowing in the breeze, I felt all the tension drain away from me. Tonight was a night that my fate was not to catch a fish.
I know with this regular focus on a simple evening of surf fishing, I will reach fishing enlightenment.
On top of that I might catch the red drum that I have had in my sights for a while.
While this program has not been tested on ladies, I am sure it will work well on any ladies who enjoy fishing. My wife, however, is more likely to reach enlightenment in TJ Maxx or in her beach chair.
The important thing is to fish regularly and with focus. I have a tee shirt which has the following saying which it attributes to Thoreau. "Everyone should believe in something...I believe I will go fishing."
While I have not verified that Thoreau said this, it certainly shows a great deal of wisdom. With six shrimp in a sandwich bag, I am on the road to fishing enlightenment.
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