I often get notes from people asking me about the area. Some are worried about their potential neighbors or the school systems. Often there are questions about flood zones and the weather. As someone who sold Apple computers for years, handling objections is second nature to me. However, long ago I figured out that there are legitimate concerns, and then there are convenient excuses which allow you to avoid doing something that you did not want to do in the first place. While there are reasons to move one place or the other, the biggest challenge most people face is whether or not to move at all. At this time when we are seeing perhaps the best opportunity in many years to acquire coastal property at reasonable prices, a lot of people are stuck with that move or not move decision.
As I have learned over the years, finding the perfect new house will not fix the decision to move or not move. It is more likely that somehow the perfect home will become not so perfect. As a Realtor® I am happy to show people properties if they are serious about moving, but I know the perfect home can be very elusive.I even spend a fair amount of my time writing about the virtues of the Crystal Coast because I think it is a great place to live. I write about it with the full knowledge that there is no danger of a stampede of people to the area. This area does not fit everyone.
It is, however, a great sanctuary for those us who love the water, appreciate small towns, and value quality of life over access to the latest and greatest shopping experience.
Access to the water is one of the main reasons that people move to the Crystal Coast. In my case that was the driving motivation. I had tired of slinging a kayak on top of my car and driving thirty minutes to get to water. I wanted the water at my back door and was willing to live in a home built up seven feet in order to enjoy walking on my dock every morning. Seeing the water every morning renews my soul.
Climate is another reason that people come to Carteret County. While you can read my posts to see that this has been a much cooler winter than my first two down here on the coast, it still is a climate that is easy to love. I have yet to see a day when a down parka was in order, and I can remember a down parka feeling good at a soccer game in Halifax, Nova Scotia in July.
Because of geography Carteret County is a little isolated. That slight isolation has been something of a friend to the county over the years. For one it has prevented over development. Second it has meant that the people coming to Carteret County really wanted to be here because it was not easy in the early years. I think more than anything that has shaped the character of the county. People who live here, love it fiercely.
At the same time, there seems to be mutual respect between most newcomers and long time residents. It is as if people are proud in the knowledge that both groups have chosen to live here and face the challenge of coastal living together. That atmosphere makes the county a place that welcomes newcomers. Carteret County has never seemed to me a place where people are trying to be the last people to move into paradise.
As I like to say, "Carteret County, it is a secret to share."
When all of this is taken into consideration, perhaps it helps to move the needle one way or the other on the decision to pull up roots and head to another location. Yet often it boils down to this, if you want to move and if what I have described above sounds good, then you will likely find Carteret County a great place to live. We might even find something very close to a perfect home or lot for you.
Still it is likely not the perfect home that makes the move successful, it is the attitude going into the move. If you want to be successful with your move, you probably will be.
If living in one of the most scenic areas anywhere sounds appealing, then you should visit the Crystal Coast. We might just have the elements to tip the balance in favor of a move that could give you a new perspective on life and especially life very near the water.
Life is different here, and most people love it.
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