I am ready for summer but I cannot say that it is because of our winter. Considering that we did not see any snow this year like our last real winter in 2011, it is hard to complain very much about our weather.
However, we have had our share of cold days and our spring has been somewhat cooler than last year. Still when you live in an area where warmth is the expected norm, you can get a little impatient when the last two weeks of April only have five days above 70F instead of nine days like April 2012.
Whatever the reason, spring is well underway and summer appears to be lurking just over the horizon. Those of us who are avid fisherman are ready for the new season.
I finished two books this spring so I am ready for a little play time. Living in North Carolina is always a treat and that is especially the case when you live along the Crystal Coast.
Once a quarter or so I will do a simple post here, but I keep this
site alive mainly because it makes a nice landing spot for people who want to
see what I have been writing recently.
Most of my posts show up here in a day or so, and there is a large
archive of older posts here that still have useful information. If you are curious about me, you can find a little information on the about me section of my Crystal Coast Life blog where I normally post at least three times a month.
During most of the year I do a summary post at my Coastal Paradise site
at least once a quarter and during the warmer months, once a month. Posts on that site generally have links to my other articles spread back through them.
There is a simple explanation of most of my sites at this page. If you need to get in touch with me, visit my contact me page.
If you are looking for information about vacationing on the North Carolina coast, please give our 2013 Emerald Isle Travel Guide - A Week at the Beach a try.